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Barbara Thompson, Realtor...

Clermont, FL: ERA Grizzard Real Estate is pleased to welcome Barbara Thompson, Realtor in ...

ERA Grizzard Nominated fo...

ERA Grizzard achieves national acclaim as the finalist and award recipient for several pre...

Michael McDaniel, Realtor...

ERA Grizzard Real Estate is pleased to welcome Michael McDaniel of The McDaniel Team with ...

Donnie Garland, Realtor, ...

Donnie Garland, Realtor with ERA Grizzard Real Estate, has been selected as a finalist for...

Dallas Ackley, with ERA G...

Dallas Ackley, Realtor with ERA Grizzard Real Estate - Orlando, has been inducted to the O...

Jeanne Sutton, Realtor in...

Mount Dora, Fla: ERA Grizzard Real Estate welcomes Jeanne Sutton to their team of Realtors...

[Video] ERA Grizzard Real...

Orlando, FL: ERA Grizzard Real Estate honors their award winners and announces exciting pl...

Rick Harper, Realtor, joi...

Leesburg, FL: ERA Grizzard Real Estate is pleased to welcome Rick Harper to their team in ...

John Bach, Realtor, joins...

The Villages, Florida: ERA Grizzard welcomes John Bach, Realtor, to their team of Realtors...

Amelia Swart, Realtor in ...

Clermont, Florida: Amelia Swart, Realtor, joins ERA Grizzard Real Estate's Team of Realtor...

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