Welcome to "ERA at Home," your personalized video studio for Real Estate marketing!
This is a space where you can easily film a video that captures your personality, your mood, and your message.

Our newest addition to our video studio, now located in our Downtown Orlando office, brings a refreshing look to Real Estate videos. It features two casual settings with 8 distinct background options and a gray, white, or green screen so that you can get creative with your space.
The best part? Our Marketing Department is right down the hall to help!
How Leisa got a closing from her video:"I would like to encourage all agents to take advantage of the amazing tools that are provided to us through ERA Grizzard. Particularly, the video studio. It only costs you your time, and it can pay off in your business in amazing ways.
I am a new agent. I got my license in April, and started working my business in May. I made a video right away to spread the word on social media that I had my license in Real Estate.
Within a week of posting my video, I was contacted by someone I hadn't spoken to in almost 10 years. We closed on their $360,000 home in Clermont...after only 5 weeks. I'm looking forward to making another video highlighting my home town of Deltona.
Take some advice from a newbie, take advantage of the tools provided to you, and make your video, and share it. You'll be so glad you did!" Leisa Reed, Realtor in our DeLand office and pictured above.
If you're an ERA Grizzard agent and would like to take advantage of our professional video services, be sure to attend one of our video studio orientations - the first and third Thursday of every month (email marketing to RSVP).
I cannot wait to see your video that is