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Posted by Megan Crevier on Nov 29, 2016 12:51:46 PM

4 Easy Tricks for Better Videos in your Real Estate Marketing

As the Marketing Coordinator for ERA Grizzard, I create a variety of videos in the Real Estate Industry. I'm combining my experience and the lessons I've learned about video to share the four tips I think are most important to remember if you're looking to improve your video marketing: 


1. Get to the Point

Your viewers clicked on your video for a reason - they want to hear what you have to say. Don't do any long intros, just get right to the content.

2. Your First Video Probably Wont be Great

Just keep that in mind. But get it out there, get it over with, and keep moving forward. 

Your videos don't have to be perfect, just connect with your viewer! 

3. Keep It Short & Sweet

Under two minutes is a pretty good goal to stick to. 

4. Tell Your Viewers What you Want Them to do Next

Give them a specific call to action and ask for it. Examples would be 'visit my website for more information,' or 'contact me for more.'

And I'm going to ask you to subscribe to our Agent Talk blog for more tips like these!

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