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Posted by The Real Estate Reporter on Jul 19, 2017 12:14:50 PM

5 Kitchen Upgrades That Are Hot in 2017 for Central Florida Homes

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The center of the home is the kitchen, and changes in its design have always reflected the values and trends of the current day. What’s happening to kitchens in 2017, and how can homeowners keep up with the current trends?

Here are 5 Kitchen upgrades that are trending here in Central Florida homes:

1. Organic Aesthetics
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In the late 90s and early 2000s, stainless steel and mute shiny colors were the hallmarks of every turn of the century kitchen. However, 17 years into the new millennium, a counter movement in kitchen design is happening right here in Central Florida homes.

The call for a relaxed, natural feel, which joins hands with the demand for whole and unprocessed foods, is in this year. Today, designs have shifted in favor of organic materials, earthen hues, and brassy metals. You’ll see potted herbs and rustic wood panels on the rise. This trend can also be extended to a kitchen’s floors, in which luxury vinyl, patterned Moroccan tiles, and natural stone adding diversity to the modern kitchen’s design.

2. Integrating New Color Schemes

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To transition your kitchen to 2017, consider updating your appliances and cabinetry from monochromatic stoicism to fun matte colors or rustic materials.

Stainless steel hasn’t completely left the scene, but it now has plenty of competition.The biggest rivals are matte appliances of different colors, especially white and gray. To bring the white appliances out of the 80s, they are now graced with metallic handles and all the modern conveniences one would expect from today’s appliances. 

Adding a splash of color is also in order for today's Central Florida Real Estate. In 2017, it isn’t a stretch to see olive green sinks, red cabinets (as in the photo above), bold light fixtures, bold brick backsplashes, creating a spirit of the rustic prairie blended with modern amenities. Brass and bronze metals are coming into play to match the cork floors and antique wood cabinets that are replacing the industrial aesthetics that reigned supreme a decade ago.

3.Tech-Friendly Accommodations

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The days of opening a print cookbook are passing quickly. Today, the modern cook will use his phone or tablet and Google the latest recipe. The new trend of tech-friendly kitchens allows users to discreetly charge their devices in drawers and shelves that are equipped with USB charging ports.

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There are also countertops with charging surfaces that seamlessly blend into the rest of the kitchen. For the busy chef, it wastes time to fuss with moving the phone here and there. Instead, floating or retractable shelves equipped with device mounts make it easy to scroll up and down the recipe while keeping the device protected from oil and water.

4. Efficiency & Functionality

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There is an ever constant pull toward functionality that heralds a need for more than just a pretty kitchen. Now we have access to kitchen designs that don’t just look great, but they make life easier. For example, cramped two-part sinks are continually being traded in for deep farmer sinks that can hold big dishes, eliminating countertop clutter.

Deep shelf storage compartments allow owners to tuck away cumbersome appliances that aren’t used daily. Hydraulic soft-close hinges leave the memory of slamming cabinets in the past. The best news is that these are just a few of the awesome changes that are gracing the modern kitchen. 

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Kitchens are becoming smarter. Cooktops with touch and swipe controls can cook food quickly through induction cooking. Steam and convection ovens are taking the place of traditional ovens due to their ability to heat up food more quickly. Bluetooth-synced appliances allow you to coordinate cooking times on different appliances to have your meal ready at the same time.

You can also toggle controls from another room so you don’t have to multitask during dinner time. Best yet, no longer do you have to turn around and go back home to find out if you left the oven on! Also, small touches like automated soap dispensers and faucets mean that soiled hands don’t have to turn a handle to activate anything.

Find you dream kitchen in a Central Florida homes for sale. Search Real Estate and view the top of the line kitchens in today's homes.



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